Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Dickens

You think that you are so strong.

The past has been cast aside.

But then there is that searing, red pain.

It stabs like the cold steel of a tested blade.

The silver cuts deep, but instead of blood gushing,

Like the cheap effects of a bad horror film,

All insecurities are released.

They fly around the festooned mind

Little demons, howling ghosts.

Dickens had the right idea:

Past, Present, and Future.

Each takes a turn at haunting.

Memories of the Then, the Now, and the Yet to Come

Cannot be banished.

Siberia would be suitable, though,

Cold enough to numb even the coal-lit fires

Of the cloisters where the specters dwell.

Yet…they only exist where you allow them.