Well, it’s back to work after a very nice weekend! I worked a little, and even got to hang out with some awesome people. On Friday, my friend from my former school made a the trip from Virgina to see some of us. We hung out at the mall for a little while and pretty much goofed off. We tested out (jumped on) all of the beds in Boscovs, watched a little of Apollo 13 in the Entertainment section (all of the Boscovs fun ended when the employees continued to follow us within a few feet radius), and made fun of all the flamboyant jackets and suits in one of the mall’s menswear stores. He even went into Victoria’s Secret with us girls as we tested out the perfumes and looked at the make up.
After that, I went home and watched movies with my family and my boyfriend. We finally got to see the final installment of the glorious Shrek saga, and watched the romantic comedy, “Hitch.” I enjoyed both of them, but didn’t think that Shrek was as good as some of the earlier ones. As for “Hitch,” I always enjoy Will Smith…even if the movie was made several years ago. So, I was really glad to see the boyfriend, and all in all, it was a very good day…and night.
On Saturday, I touched base with my favorite Canadian, Tess. Even though we didn’t get to talk much, it was just very nice to hear her voice. It’s hard to believe that one of my dearest friends is so far away that I can’t just hop in the car and go visit her whenever I want to, like I used to do. But it’s alright. We keep in very good communication.
Other than those bright moments in my weekend, and work, I attempted to work on a short story. It’s a sequel to one I’ve already written. I’m struggling with a mild case of writers block and don’t really have much of an idea where to go to next. Perhaps I will start putting up parts of my stories sometime…what do you think? Yea? Nay?
You know you can always run anything by me! :) <3
ReplyDeleteThank you! Once I get enough of this story together, I definitely will send it to you!