Monday, September 30, 2013

Ten Things that My "Inner Child" Wants but My "Outer Adult" Denies

Ten Things that My Inner Child Wants but my Outer Adult Denies her (because my adult self is in touch with reality):

1. To follow Thoreau’s plan laid out in “Walden” and create my own shelter and fend for myself for a while as a Transcendentalist
2. To live in a castle (obviously this does not coincide with number 1)
3. To go to Narnia (Even my “inner adult” believes that this will somehow be possible someday)
4. To live in Prince Edward Island (my inner adult thinks that is also somewhat probable)
5. Marry Justin Timberlake (those celebrity marriages never last…right?)
6. To be a princess (marrying Prince Harry is still a possibility…although it conflicts with number 6)
7. To be a ballerina (or ballerina princess, perhaps?)
8. To solve a great mystery (like if the hokey-pokey really IS what it’s all about, where is Waldo REALLY? etc.)
9. To BE Nancy Drew (it coincides with 8, but conflicts with the princess ballerina thing…or DOES it??)
10.  To come up with a 10th item because I ran out

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