Wednesday, December 11, 2013

My Outspoken Feminist Post

Dear ladies,

If I hear the phrase “ring by spring,” one more time, someone is going to get hurt. Don’t you remember back when women didn’t have the opportunity to go to college, or at least, not the same colleges as the men attended?

No? Well, it happened.

In the past, a lot of women were denied higher education simply because of their gender, because they were expected to marry, stay at home, and raise children. There is nothing wrong with this at all, in fact, I think being a stay-at-home mom is awesome. But…what about education? What about bettering yourself and your mind?

Well, these women, our not-so-far-back ancestors, fought and pushed so that we can now go to college and have a real career. It’s not about “keeping up with the men.” What it is about is using the brains that God gave us and having a chance to think for ourselves.

So, if you’re only going to college to get your MRS. then I’m really sorry for you. Not only are you scoffing in the faces of the women who fought hard to have a chance at a higher education, but you are also missing out on a really amazing opportunity.

So go, finish your education. If you happen to meet Mr. Right in the process, that is fantastic. But please, don’t let that be your reason for attending college.


A College Graduate

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