Thursday, June 18, 2015

I Just Find it Rude...

When did people stop asking to put you down as a reference? Growing up, my parents taught me the importance of a strong resume and references, but what they really emphasized was the importance of asking someone first. I grew up being taught that a reference is someone who has agreed to support you, to give a good report of you, your work ethic, your moral fiber, etc.

But this seems to have died.

This month alone, 4 people have put me down as a reference without asking me first. I am more than happy to brag like crazy about each and every one of them when the phone call comes. And they know that, so I guess I make a good reference. But, I hate getting that text message:

Friend: “Hey. What’s your address/email address?”

Me: “It is: __________________. Why?”

Friend: “ I’m using you as a reference.”

My face:

I want to know before I get that call, especially if it’s for a person I haven’t actually talked to in a long time. I don’t want to pick up and the conversation to go like this:

Caller: “Hi, I’m calling on behalf of ­­­Mr. _______, regarding his application. He listed you as a close friend.”

Me: “Who? Oh, yes. Ehem. Mr. ­­­_______... I didn’t know. I haven’t talked to him in a while…”

Me stumbling through my answer and being clueless doesn’t make you look very good…

I guess I mostly find it rude due to an experience several years back. Someone I know had listed me as a reference, but didn’t tell me. I was then barraged with a battery of phone calls from a government worker (it was for a government job). Not only could the person on the phone barely speak a clear sentence, but the questions were never-ending. I was more than happy to help the guy out, but a little warning that this was coming would have been nice.

So, moral of the story here is this: let’s go back to the lovely old-fashioned way of asking permission before putting someone down as a reference. I promise, if you do that first, I’ll gush about you…and I won’t tell them embarrassing stories about silly things you’ve done. 


  1. Couldn't agree more. It's just common courtesy. The whole "I'm doing ____, not asking, just telling you" style not only is rude, but also takes away the real joy of helping friends out.
    Must say, it's cool that so many people thought of you highly enough to list you as references, though I'm sure it would be nicer if they asked first. :)

    1. Thank you for your thoughts, K. I do feel honored that so many friends want to have me as a reference, so that is definitely the bright side of things.
