The hard thing about liars… good liars… is that you never
really see the lies coming. Granted, no one can really cover up a lie forever.
I believe that the Achilles heel of lies is the fact that at some point, the
truth will come out.
But the worst part is that it’s generally the people closest
to you who can cut you to pieces in just a single moment of, “Well actually, I
never told you…but…” Because, the people who we pass in our everyday lives, our
coworkers, our acquaintances, they don’t have the power to hurt us like our
loved ones do. Even if they did lie to us, we either wouldn’t care, or would
never find out.

And that is when the world comes crashing down.
“Who are you?”
“How have I not known these things about you for so long?”
“How could you have willingly deceived me?”
The delicate glass foundation that you thought was made of
faith, is actually made of lies, and there it is broken right in front of you. It
just lays there, shattered and unable to be mended…
At least, for now…
But how the hell do you come back after that? What do you
do? Do you just leave that person, never to return? Do you just choose to keep
trusting them, picking yourself back up with each new revelation as lies reveal
themselves over time?
I have no idea. With the revelation of each new lie, I find
it hard to be glad of the newfound honesty. I just feel bled dry, each time the
Band Aid is peeled off slowly—hurt again and again and again by what should
have been said so long ago.
I deserve the truth.
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