Monday, April 22, 2013

And he said..."I Just Stopped..."

So, yesterday the love of my life, the guy that I thought I was going to marry, told me he stopped loving me.

I hate to say it, but I didn’t see that coming. I mean, I had been preparing for the worst, but that wasn’t the way I thought things would go down. He had been distant and different for several weeks, but I thought he was frustrated because we had had a couple fights recently. I thought for sure that somehow, in some way, we would work things out. I at least  thought that if I threatened a separation, that he would tell me how much he loved me and that he still wanted to work things out.

Well, that didn’t happen. I honestly should have seen it coming, because he had been almost cruel lately. I wouldn’t wish his treatment on any girl. About a week and a half ago, someone very close to me lost her job, and a friend back home passed away, just within days of each other. And he never even hugged me or asked if I was okay.

That was so unlike him. He used to care so much. He used to want nothing more than to make sure I was safe, happy, and comfortable. I remember he used to always ask me if I was comfortable when we sat together and watched a movie. I would always say, “I’m alright.” And he would ask, “Alright? How can I make that better?”

This was not the man who I spent the last three weeks with. Somewhere along the line, he just stopped trying. I knew things were bad when he said he stopped pursuing me. Yet, even through all of that, for some reason, I still believed that he loved me. I have never in my life had that kind of faith in anyone. Ever.

I was so sure that we were going to spend the rest of our lives together. We had been planning a wedding, before he backed out. He had pushed me towards that even when I thought it would be financially impossible. But no, he wanted me to have faith in him that we could pull it off together, so I put my trust in everything he said, and he changed his mind.

He changed his mind about everything. The worst part is that he stopped loving me. How do you change your mind about something like that? How do you just stop loving someone? I don’t understand. I can’t even wrap my mind around it. Every moment today when a fleeting thought about him would cross my mind, I was quickly reminded that I would spend the rest of my life without him, and suddenly my head began to swim dizzily. I’ve spend almost the entire day dizzy.

The idea of being without him forever hurts so bad. I put all of my trust in him, all of my love in him, just about everything I have, because I was convinced that he was the one. With every other guy I’ve dated before, I could hear God saying, “No, he’s not the one. Keep going. There is something more for you out there.” When I moved to Virginia Beach and met Matt, that voice was silenced. Suddenly I felt like I had arrived. I had found my “something more.” I stepped out in faith and put everything into that relationship.

And now…what do I have to show for it? Nothing. He took my entire heart with him, and I’m left with nothing. He had completed me, and now I’m missing a huge part of myself that I never knew was missing before him.

Tonight, I was weak. My mother and sister came to visit me, and on my way back from the hotel, I drove by the place where Matt works. I knew he would be closing up, but it was still early, so I was sure that he would still be cleaning up. For some reason, I just wanted to catch a glimpse of him.

Well, that was a bad idea. He must have been able to close up early, because he was standing outside with a coworker, and he looked right at me as I drove by. He then got in his car and followed me. Although I drove as fast as I could, he followed me home. That is the downside to living in the same neighborhood. There is really no escaping each other. And in the morning, I have to go to work and face his father: my coworker. And on Sunday, I have to dodge his family at church. And at school, I have to look out for when he comes out of class and I am heading to class.

I keep asking myself, “why would God take me here and allow my life to be so intertwined with Matt’s, if he was just going to separate us?” My mom was the only one who could answer this question in any way that made me feel a little bit better. She said that she believes that God has a plan for each of our lives. His plan is the best for our lives. However, we have freewill, a beautiful and disastrous thing. Sometimes we can go against God’s will and choose second best for our lives, something that is “good” but not “great,” and certainly not God’s “best.” I had been so sure that Matt was the man God wanted me to be with, but now he is gone. Mom tells me that she thinks that Matt and I could have been meant for each other, but Matt chose a different path.

This explanation, whether it is true or not on the other side of heaven, at least makes me feel like I wasn’t so stupid. At least I can feel like I did the right things. I loved Matt utterly and completely, as I never believed that I could love any man. I gave him my all, and when there were issues, I wanted to work on them, and improve our relationship. Matt ran and hid.

When he broke it off, I made sure that he understood that this was his choice, not mine. Even so, I can’t be loved half way. I want to be love fully, and call me crazy, but I think it’s what I deserve.


  1. My dear friend, fear not. How do you know that this was not part if the plan? Having your heart broken is no picnic, but it teaches you to be careful next time. Note I said "careful". You WILL love again, not today or tomorrow, but someday. And you will find someone to give your heart to who will give his back without reservation. And I will dance at your wedding.

    As for ducking his family and friends... the hell with that! He left YOU. Own your workspace. Own your worship place. Own your heart. Let THEM feel uncomfortable for your ex's bad decisions... you DESERVE to be there.

    And thank you for having the courage to share your feelings. Remember that many believe in you...and we stand ready to help you in any way you need.

    1. I just found this today. Thank you so much for your kind words, Pat.
