Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Sometimes "Normal" is a Compliment

It’s funny to think of the little things that cement a relationship.

For example, I knew that Brentton was going to be my husband when we were on our first in-person date. We were in Toys R Us (yes, I know) in the Lego section and I started to sing, “Darkness…” and he finished with “No parents.” And as silly as that Lego Movie reference sounds, it really turned the tide for me.

Brentton said that he knew I was the one for him when we were still long-distance dating. During one of our instant-message type conversations, I told him that I could handle him. In the moment, I actually felt kind of silly saying it…but I knew I had to say it. It was almost as if I was being told to say it. To me, it didn’t mean all that much, but to Brentton, who had been told by countless ex-girlfriends that they couldn’t “handle” his emotions or “handle” his personality, being told “I can handle you,” was something he had never heard before.

In the same way, Brentton gave me a completely different kind of compliment one day when he told me that he liked me because I was “so normal.” That sort of stopped me in my tracks for a moment. I had never been called “normal” before. If you had asked me before that moment if the word “normal” was complimentary, I would have shrugged and said no. But, for some reason, when it first met my ears, I loved it.

I realized that I had always been considered a bit of a class clown by my non-theatre friends, and by my family, “a drama queen,” as my brother likes to call me. So many people had pointed out my differences, but no one had ever identified with me enough to call me “normal.”

I guess after you’ve spent your life feeling different from everyone, it’s nice to find someone who is just as different as you are, who finds those differences to be well…normal.

When you’re in these moments, they don’t always strike you as turning points, but later when you’ve had time to reflect, you realize that those are the moments that changed everything. Those are the moments where you’ll look back some day and realize it was your Donna Noble, “Turn Left” moment (a little nerdy reference for you Whovians out there).

Monday, March 13, 2017

They Don't Teach You Much in Marriage Class

They don’t teach you much in marriage class.
They poke and prod at your finances,
And ask if you’ve got all the right answers, I guess you’ll pass.

What they don’t tell you, could fill an entire book.
Like when it comes to sex,
If you’re inexperienced, will you even know where to look?

Okay, that was hyperbole,
But let’s be serious.
Everything changes, quickly.

It’s hard to explain why you’re busy all the time.
But you’ve made a new life for yourself and
You have another human to keep in mind.

Your apartment is tiny.
It’s not like the place you used to entertain.
Back then you didn’t even know the definition of tiny.

Your friends expect things to stay the same.
I guess you did too,
But it really is in vain.

Because things have changed.
It’s really for the better,
But your whole life is rearranged.

New place,
New man,
Cramped space.

But I need YOU as much as ever.
I’m still the girl who you’d call
To tell stories and whatever.

I still need you to ask me how I am at a long day’s end,
Because I still get lonely sometimes
And I really hope that you can remember an old friend.