Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Me (Or Maybe a Few You Did…)

I like to read Little Women at Christmas. It makes me feel like I’m coming home, but I usually only read up to the part where (spoiler) Beth dies.

I am secretly a rap artist. No really. I can beatbox like nobody’s business.

I am HIGHLY Synaesthetic. (Look it up or ask me)

As a writer, I have a “muse.” He’s a character who seems to appear in nearly everything I write. I love him.

I own a skateboard named Nunzio.

My GPS is named Chantal. She is British and she doesn’t like some of my friends. Sometimes we fight.

When I’m tired, I act like I’m drunk. I say “I love you” way too much, and often don’t make any sense. My closest friends know not to talk to me after midnight unless they want to talk to “emotional Abigail.”

I want to always be elegant, feminine, Victorian, a princess.

I have a degree in theatre as well as in creative writing.

I’m a hopeless romantic.


  1. The GPS comment is my favorite. Probably because I knew/could guess most of the others. I laughed at that one.

  2. HAHA! I'm glad you got a kick out of it. Chantal is very possessive over me.
