Monday, December 2, 2013

The Story of a Working Man

He looked up one day from his computer screen, and across the room of his spacious office, his eyes falling upon the proofs of his accomplishments: his various honors, diplomas, and degrees. And he sighed, because he had traded in his first love for the dreams forged by another person. He altered his plans and built goals to suit his wallet rather than his heart. And then one cold December day, he realized that he had achieved everything he ever wanted, only to realize that he never actually wanted any of this at all.

He didn't want money, only enough to live. But people had told him that he needed it.

He didn't want prosperity, not the kind that he now had, the kind that made him miserable.

He didn't want acclaim, but he had been told that it would make him happy.

So today he sits in an office, his soul tied up in his chest, waiting for 5:00 before it was allowed to soar again. And he wonders what it would have been like if he had followed his heart and done exactly what he pleased. Would he have failed? Maybe. But knowing that he had tried, might make up for it. At least, this is what he told himself. But…Is it too late now?

Maybe not. 

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